Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cobwebs taking over vinyl siding?

50% Bleach and water, put it in a pump up sprayer, and go to town on those nasty webs. After it sits for a minute or two just hose it off with a regular water hose and high pressure nozzle.

Remember to wear old clothes, as the orange shirt I had on was speckled white all over!

I do have the spiders coming back now after a month or so, so when i clean them off again i will look for something to run them off.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thunderstorm versus the Bell Peppers!

Im not quite sure what to think at the moment. I knew the dangers of frost but never thought about what a super thunderstorm could do. I did have several bells staked up but about half of them I did not. Lesson learned, I just hope they all survive.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oven Dried Tomatoes

The Roma tomatoes are turning red like crazy, and im not sure what to do with them all. After a little research I found out I could dry them or can them, so I will try out drying first. Sun drying here in Texas would be good but we might have rain so in the oven they go. I sliced them in half added a dash of salt to each one and now I will let them go for about 8 hours. The next batch I pick will require my granddad's old pressure cooker, and I will test my canning abilities.

After about 8 hours looks like its working!. I'm not sure when they are done so I will just let them go a little longer.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tickle Me plants!

I bought these cute little plants as seeds online, about 3 bucks for 100. You can look for Mimosa Pudica and grow some for yourself!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Upside Down Tomatoes!

Click pictures for high quality

Ive seen alot of talk about the upside down growing systems this year and thought I'd do a little experiment with it myself. I had some left over wood from a project and basically just built a long window planter on stilts. I cut 6 holes in the base and layered it with landscaping fabric. I used a bag of soil from the local nursery and picked 6 different types of tomatoes. I didnt get them labeled right so i dont have a clue which one is which.

They seem to be growing ok, a little slower than the garden tomatoes though. A bunch of these lil guys just popped out in the last few days.

When the hot Texas sun started coming out in the last month I had to water the planter almost daily, which I fixed by adding a layer of mulch on top, it did the trick and now the moisture lasts for a week or so.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Roma Tomatoes

These little beauties are starting to turn color by the dozens, cant wait to make some pico and salsa!

Bell Peppers Galore!

A few years ago I tried to grow a few bell peppers but they never took off. This year I planted my own seeds in January, and transplanted them in late March. I just used my first one! Well i didnt use it, I cut it into strips and had a wonderful snack with some Ranch Dressing.
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